Wednesday, January 22, 2014


What actually happened ?

  • A Delhi Minister goes to a locality in Delhi after repeated residents complaints and no reponse by the law enforcement.
  • He calls the law enforcers and asks them to immidiately raid a sex-drug scandal(which is clearly visible).
" They refuse and insult the Minister and goes away from the racket location without even giving a knock ! "

Now from this incident,one should understand that in a nation where "system is not listening to a minister,how do you expect him to listen to a common man ?"

No,what all this implies is that the system is absolutely paralyzed. There is no response from it when a common man demands.

Lets us understand when this system responds-"When it is threatened !,When it is afraid of the people !",When it comes to know that the have to give account of everything !

See for the system like ours,the system of follows a chain of command.It answers to the more powerful person/boss.In that chain currently the common man is at the tail end(least powerful).

"They don't feel the need to answer the common man"."From the past history they take common people as guaranteed for being weak."

"How will they understand that common man comes highest in that chain of command?"

There is where this "DHARNA" came into the scene-a revolution in my words,atleast !
The media makes this whole case into a anti-democratic movement !.

"It is actually scary how people forget about the core issue here and act like Zombies"